Setting your invoicing and accounting details

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Setting your invoicing and accounting details

Lano for Contractors Deleting your accountReviewing documents and contractsEditing your Lano profileSetting your invoicing and accounting detailsUsing dashboards on Home (Contractor) Accept card payments from your clients with StripeDeleting, Editing and Duplicating your InvoiceTracking the invoice’s statusEmailing an invoice to your clientUploading an invoiceElements of an invoicing templateTypes of InvoicesCreating an invoice (Contractor) Planning your availabilityWorking on a TimesheetWorking on a taskWorking on a projectOverview of projects, tasks and timesheetsInviting clients to LanoAdding a new client

Complete your invoicing and accounting profile to invoice your clients and get paid on time

You can add your invoicing and accounting information in order to allow your clients to pay for your services directly through Lano. You can create multiple accounting and invoicing profiles and assign them to different clients if needed.

Creating your invoicing profile

Step 1:

To change your invoicing settings, you can navigate to Settings from your menu. Choose the tab Invoicing to edit your information.

Step 2:

You can create several different invoicing profiles to individually define what information you want to print on invoices for specific clients. Click on "Add profile" to create a new profile.

Step 3:

You can name every new profile to better match them later on. Then you can set the currency that will be used for invoicing your clients, invoice language, and decimal separator type.

Step 4:

Change the design of your invoice by adding your logo to the invoice and selecting the colour of the invoice’s bars.

Step 5:

Tell us if you want both the company and recipient names or just the company name to be displayed on your invoices.

Step 6:

If you wish, you can add an introductory text at the beginning of your invoice.

Step 7:

Choose which tax rate should be used for your invoices. You can also manually change the tax rate on each invoice at the invoice creation stage. Additionally, you can include another optional text field at the end of your invoice.

Step 8:

Specify whether you want to set a payment deadline that will be displayed on in your invoices.

Step 9:

Finally, you can assign your invoicing profile to one or more of your clients.

Creating your accounting profile

Step 1:

To add important accounting information to your profile, you can navigate to Settings from your menu. Choose the tab Accounting to edit your information.

Step 2:

You can create several different invoicing profiles to individually add information for specific clients. Click on "Add profile" to create a new profile.

Step 3:

You can individually name every newly created accounting profile.

Step 4:

Add your bank details that you want to assign to a certain client.

Step 5:

Add your tax number. Optionally, you can also enter your VAT ID if you have one.

Step 6:

Set your default currency you wish to be paid in and add more information about your rates if you wish.

Step 7:

You can also assign your accounting profile to one or more of your clients.

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