Approving an Invoice

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Approving an Invoice

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Approving the Invoice

Make secured payments through our one-step or two-step approval process. Your selected approvers can examine the submitted invoices and give their managerial and financial consent.

Setting the invoice approval flow

Step 1:

Before you can approve an invoice, you will need to define the number of steps required for the invoice to be approved and select the team members that will have this right. You can do that by going to Settings > Invoices and then navigate to the General tab.

Step 2:

Click on “edit” in the top right corner and scroll down to “approval settings”.

Step 3:

Define whether your invoice approval flow will require one or two steps.

Example: You could set the two steps process that would require managerial and financial approvals.

Step 3:

You can select several responsible team members per step. Any of those people will be able to accept an invoice and move it forward.

Example: You could grant the managerial approval to your team lead and select a team member from finance for the financial approval.

Approving invoices

Step 1:

Select “Invoices” from the menu tab and you will be redirected to an overview of all the invoices your contractors submitted.

Alternatively, whenever a contractor sends you a new invoice, you will receive a notification in your Lano account. By clicking the bell icon and then navigating to "Details", you can open the invoice.

Step 2:

Click on the invoice with the status “Submitted” that you would like to approve. Now you will see all the necessary details such as the provided service, due amount, and payment deadline.

Step 3:

If all the details are correct, you can grant your approval by clicking on the approval button on the bottom right side of the invoice’s overview.

Please note: Once you have approved an invoice, you will not be able to revoke your approval.

Step 4:

If your company has chosen a two-step invoice approval process, the invoice will be redirected to one of your colleagues that will need to give their consent to this invoice.

Step 5:

If all involved parties have approved the invoice, you can initiate a payment.

Please note: You can also decline faulty or unnecessary invoices by clicking on “decline” in the very top right corner of the invoice overview page.

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