Tracking the invoice’s status

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Tracking the invoice’s status

Lano for Contractors Deleting your accountReviewing documents and contractsEditing your Lano profileSetting your invoicing and accounting detailsUsing dashboards on Home (Contractor) Accept card payments from your clients with StripeDeleting, Editing and Duplicating your InvoiceTracking the invoice’s statusEmailing an invoice to your clientUploading an invoiceElements of an invoicing templateTypes of InvoicesCreating an invoice (Contractor) Planning your availabilityWorking on a TimesheetWorking on a taskWorking on a projectOverview of projects, tasks and timesheetsInviting clients to LanoAdding a new client

Tracking the status of an invoice

You can see an overview of your invoices by selecting Invoices in your menu. The invoice’s status will show you the progress, whether the invoice was already approved, paid, completed, declined, or corrected.

Invoices can have 6 different statuses:

1. The invoice was submitted by your partner and is awaiting approval.

2. Your company has verified the correctness of the invoice and approved it, the invoice has not been paid yet.

3. Your company initiated the payment.

4. The payment was received by your partner and they must set the status to "Completed".

5. The invoice was declined, your partner can then apply necessary modifications and re-submit it for your consideration.

6. The original invoice was corrected and a new corrective invoice was submitted to replace it.

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