Global Employment

Contractor Management

How deskbird scaled their international team across Europe with Lano

Lano’s global employment solution enabled the team to hire the right talent wherever they were with simple, streamlined processes.

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1 Week

to onboard new employees with Lano


countries where deskbird employees are based

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to pay employees using the Lano Wallet

"With a topic as complex as global employment, it is great to have a simple user experience that has everything and provides the support you need for such an important topic."

Grazia Mazzocca

Senior People and Culture Manager

About Deskbird

Headquartered in Munich, deskbird is the leading workplace management app for hybrid companies. It helps teams wishing to optimize their office space use, particularly for teams that offer a hybrid office approach. Using deskbird, employees can book desks and meeting rooms effortlessly and get a clear understanding of how often and at what capacity office space is used. Global teams and scaling companies are working to adapt to the future of work that provides employees with greater flexibility and seamless office experiences with the help of deskbird.

deskbird operates fully remotely and has grown from 20 employees to over 70 employees in less than a year. The global approach to hiring allows the team to hire candidates who are the best fit wherever they are, although it can lead to adding more complexity to HR systems. While deskbird has several entities throughout Europe, the team wanted to make sure that they could remain flexible. To meet this challenge, the team began to explore an Employer of Record solution which would ensure they were compliant while maintaining that flexibility. 


Scaling sustainably while providing consistent service

Initially, deskbird worked with a different EOR provider; however, they did not receive the high quality service that they were promised. When there were questions around invoicing, responses were slow. There were often issues with employees receiving salaries on time. deskbird knew that these problems could not continue and wanted to provide their employees with the consistent positive experience that employees of the deskbird entities received.

When evaluating the global hiring systems, they chose to first consider how to better manage their project based contractors. Invoicing and payments to these contractors required significant manual work from the deskbird team. The finance team needed a way to better have oversight and processes to manage and pay these contractors.

There were several benchmarks that were critical for the new global employment system to offer. A high level of support with fast response times and a dedicated account manager was key. The team needed a simple, intuitive system where all of the necessary functionality was present without the need for extensive onboarding. Finally, invoicing and payment workflows had to be simple, correct, and on time. Ideally the final software would offer integrations to their HRIS software as well.

Lano ticked all of the boxes in these categories for deskbird and they chose to adopt the Global Employment solution for their 20 contractors working for them on projects as needed. Lano saved significant time and energy for both the Finance and HR teams because of how smoothly the processes worked. These teams were able to focus on other more valued added functions and were confident in their choice of Lano. After the success of the contractor use case, deskbird was confident that Lano would be a reliable partner in providing EOR services and began to migrate their employees from the previous provider to Lano.


Streamlining processes around onboarding and invoicing

The Lano Global Employment solution was a welcomed improvement to both the Contractor Management and Employer of Record workflows. With the support of deskbird’s dedicated Lano contact, the implementation of Lano was seamless. The user-friendly interface made it a simple job to onboard to the new platform, and easily manage the invoices and payments on  a month to month basis.

Invoicing and expense management became a simple process with the adoption of Lano. Contractors could upload invoices and have them easily approved by the deskbird Finance team. With one click, the Finance team can pay invoices directly to the contractors using the Lano Wallet. Payments of monthly salaries always arrived on time and were correct, eliminating the concern of whether employees would receive them in a timely manner. Additionally, Lano offers reporting features and insights that help the deskbird team manage the stages of various invoices and expenses.

If questions arose around specific cases or circumstances, the dedicated contact at Lano was there to provide support and solutions quickly. The responsiveness and flexibility that Lano offers made it clear that deskbird had found a partner that was invested in their success and providing a high quality experience to the deskbird EOR employees.

The country coverage of Lano matched with excellent communication and the rich domain knowledge in each individual country is key. When deskbird looks to hire a person in a country where they have not previously done so, Lano ensures that the process is as smooth as possible. Lano provides the expertise on the ins and outs of the employment law to help deskbird make the best decisions when it comes to employing teams in a global environment.

The reliability of the Lano team and platform paired with the global coverage for hiring remote employees were vast improvements to the previous workflows. deskbird now has peace of mind that processes around hiring remotely globally are scalable and efficient.


Saving time and reducing manual admin work with Lano

Lano has become deskbird’s single provider to handle their global scaling. With employees based in 9 countries using Lano, the broad coverage matched with high SLAs ensures that the two companies will continue to grow together in the future. The complex topic of global remote work is made easy with Lano.

The communication between all parties is excellent. Not only does the deskbird team have a direct contact at Lano, each employee also has an in-country contact that is an expert on local regulations and compliance. Responses from the team are quick and solution oriented and the dedicated Lano contact can provide personalized support.

Employees who are not familiar with employment via EOR quickly gain peace of mind that their day-to-day interactions with deskbird will be largely the same while having the support of their in-country partner to handle questions and concerns around national regulations. The rich domain expertise within each country saves time and energy of the deskbird team and avoids having to learn the intricacies of employment law in every country where they are looking to hire.

Lano saves a considerable amount of time around paying salaries, invoices and expenses.  With all of these processes living within Lano, the process is now scalable. Salaries are paid on time and there is transparency about the various stages of invoices. This gives the deskbird team peace of mind that processes are functioning as they should. As deskbird continues to scale, Lano will be their continued point of contact for global hiring and payments in the future. 

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