33.8 million
UTC -5
Work week
48 hours
Employer taxes
Peru Nuevo Sol (PEN)
Payroll cycle
This country guide is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The content of this guide contains general information, and although we update this guide regularly, it may not reflect current legal developments. Lano Software GmbH disclaims any liability for any actions you take or refrain from taking based on the content contained in this country guide.
Peru’s low wage standards make it an attractive hiring destination for international companies looking to recruit new members for their global teams. But not only that. With Spanish being the local language, companies hiring employees in Peru can be sure to enhance the language skills of their remote teams. Not to forget the access to the Latin American market the country provides for international businesses.
While permanent employment agreements do not need to be in writing, the written form is required for part-time and fixed-term contracts. The latter can be concluded for a duration of up to five years and must include some additional information such as their intended duration and the reasons for which it has been concluded.
In general, employment contracts need to be drafted in Spanish and should provide the following basic information:
Identification of both parties
Date of commencement (and employment duration for temporary contracts)
Job description, duties and responsibilities
Basic salary as well as other compensation or benefits
Working hours
Total number of holidays
Notice periods for employment termination
Probation period
Reason for choosing fixed-term contract (if applicable)
Health and safety obligations
Data protection obligations
The length of the probation period depends on the employee’s position. In most cases, the trial period is limited to three months (extension to up to six months is possible for positions of trust) but for managerial positions and other high-level executives, it can be extended to up to one year.
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According to Peruvian labour law, an employee’s normal weekly working time is limited to 48 hours, i.e. eight hours per day over six days per week. During an eight-hour day, employees must have a 45-minutes lunch break. One rest day per week is compulsory.
The first two hours of overtime work must be paid at a rate of at least 125%. Thereafter, the minimum pay rate is 135% of the employee’s usual wages. If the employee works on holidays or on his or her days off, the pay must be double the normal rate.
It is common to pay employees in Peru once a month. But employees can also be paid weekly or fortnightly.
The minimum wage in Peru currently (February 2023) stands at PEN 1,025 per month.
Employees who are unable to work because of sickness or injury are entitled to their normal wages for at least five days.
In Peru, employees are entitled to a 13th and 14th salary which must be paid out in July and December. Employees are further entitled to an additional extraordinary bonus equal to 9% or 6.75% of their 13th and 14th salary.
Employees and employers in Peru are subject to the following tax and social security contribution rates (last review February 2023):
29.5% corporate tax rate
18% VAT (standard rate) – 16% genuine VAT plus additional 2% municipal promotion tax
up to 30%
Individual income tax rates range from
8% to 30% *
9% of employee salary to health insurance (12.5% if the employee has opted for a private fund)
complementary insurance for high-risk workers
13% of employee salary to pension fund (12.4% if employee is member of a private pension fund)
* Read more
Individual income is taxed progressively based on the following tax brackets (percentage rates given only apply to income exceeding the respective tax bracket threshold):
up to 5 tax units**: 8%
5 to 20 tax units: 14%
30 to 35 tax units: 17%
35 to 45 tax units: 20%
over 45 tax units: 30%
** For 2023, the Peruvian government has set the value of one tax unit at PEN 4,950.
Ce guide de pays est destiné à des fins d'information uniquement et ne doit pas être interprété comme un conseil juridique. Le contenu de ce guide contient des informations générales et malgré le fait que nous le mettions à jour régulièrement, il peut ne pas correspondre aux développements juridiques actuels. Lano Software GmbH décline toute responsabilité concernant les actions que vous entreprenez ou vous abstenez d'entreprendre sur la base du contenu de ce guide de pays.
After having completed one year with the employer, employees in Peru are entitled to 30 calendar days of paid annual leave. The country’s 12 public holidays are also paid days off.
Female employees can take 98 days of maternity leave – 49 days before and 49 days after giving birth. In case of multiple births, maternity leave can be extended by another 30 calendar days. During maternity leave, the mother receives her usual salary by her employer who is later reimbursed by social security.
Fathers can take ten (consecutive) calendar days of paternity leave paid by the employer.
There are no legal provisions for additional parental leave.
It is common to provide employees in Peru with a life insurance plan.
In addition to employment termination by default – i.e. in case of a fixed-term contract – resignation and mutual agreement, Peruvian labour law recognises the following grounds for employee dismissal (non-exhaustive list):
employee’s incapability – physical as well as mental – or constant underperformance
gross misconduct
redundancy and mass layoffs
In case of employee dismissal due to misconduct, employers have to observe a six-day notice period. If the employee is dismissed because of his or her disability to continue carrying out the job-related duties, a 30-day notice must be given. Summary dismissals based on a severe breach of the employment contract do not require any notice. For employees wishing to resign from their position, the notice period is 30 days.
Employees who are terminated without just cause, i.e. not because of their capability or behavior, are entitled to severance pay (indemnización por despido arbitrario) equal to one and a half monthly salaries for each year of service. For fixed-term contracts, severance pay is one and a half salaries for each remaining month until the initially agreed end date of the contract. In both cases, severance pay is capped at 12 monthly wages.
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