Defining roles and rights for your team members

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Defining Roles and Rights for your Team Members

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Configuring the Lano Platform for Individuals

For a higher security level, you can assign roles to your company employees that you invite to the Lano platform. Depending on the assigned roles, your team members will have access to certain functions relevant to the successful performance of their responsibilities.

Roles in Lano

Team Admin

Administrators have full access to Lano and all necessary rights. If you don't have access to certain functions within Lano, please talk to an administrator for Lano within your company.

Project Manager

Project managers have full access to:

  • My Network: They can see all partner profiles, invitations for new partners, all groups, as well as open jobs.

  • Compliance: They can see all templates and files. Since they can't access the settings, they are not able to create or edit contracts or forms themselves.

Project managers also have limited access to:

  • Tasks: They can create new tasks as well as see the tasks they created themselves.

  • Projects: They can create new projects as well as see the projects that they created or to which they have access granted by another team member. As soon as they are added to the project, they will see all tasks within this project (even if they did not create them).

  • Invoices: They can only see the invoices of the tasks that they have access to. Project managers can approve invoices through an "employee approval", they could also have the right to complete an "accounting approval" if they are assigned “financial approval” on the team members page.

Project managers do not have access to Settings, Team Members, Accounting, Payments, and Lano billing.

The following roles are only available when booking our Control Module.


Employees with finance rights have full access to:

  • Invoices (including "accounting approval")

  • Invoice settings

  • Accounting

  • Payments to partners

  • Lano billing

Finance rights also enable seeing all:

  • Partner profiles (including accounting information)

  • Projects (with the possibility to edit budgets and export a project overview)

  • Tasks (including export)

Employees with finance rights have no access to invitations, groups, job listings, tasks, projects, compliance, template planner, employees, as well as other settings.

HR & Legal

Employees with HR & legal roles have full access to:

  • My Network (partner profiles, inviting new partners, seeing all groups, and open jobs)

  • Compliance

  • Settings (including all integrations, documents, and templates)

  • My Company Team Members

Employees with HR & legal rights have no access to projects, tasks, invoices, payments to partners, and Lano billing.

External Project Manager

External project managers have limited access to:

  • My Network: Availability, as well as feedback for partners, can be seen, contact details, addresses, or contracts will not be displayed.

  • Projects: All projects the external project manager is working on, including tasks, can be seen. Budgets will not be displayed.

External project managers have no further access (e.g. to invoices, settings etc.).

Feel free to reach out to our support if you have questions about roles and rights:

Customised roles and rights

If your company requires additional roles, we can also define individual roles for employees. Please direct any questions about this to our support:

Assigning roles and “financial approval” to your employees

Step 1: To assign roles to your team members, select “My Company” in the bottom left of the menu bar.

Step 2: From there, you will see a list of Team Members that you invited and their respective roles. You can modify their roles or invite another company employee by clicking on “invite team member”.

Step 3: On this page, your team members can be assigned the right to approve and complete the invoices. To assign this right, select the team member and activate the slider “Financial Approver” on the right side.

Please note: Only team members with access to Team Members in Lano can assign roles and financial approval.

Assigning your Project Managers to Groups

On the Lano platform, it is also possible to assign your project managers to see and work only with certain groups of freelancers.

Step 1: Click on the Settings > My Network > General and make sure that “Team member only has access to partners of a certain group” is ticked. Click on “edit” in the upper right corner to activate the feature if that is needed.

Step 2: Go to My Company > Team Members and select a project manager by clicking on the person’s name. The team members' details will appear on the right side.

Step 3: Activate the slider “Restrict networking access to selected groups” and then choose the groups that your project manager will work with.

Please note: Assigning your employees to work with a certain group of freelancers is only possible when booking our Control Module.

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