Expert Talks

#49 - How to create meaningful relationships in remote teams



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In terms of working remotely, there's so much yet to learn.

Kimberly Breuer

Co-Founder and Managing Director at Likeminded

About Kimberly

Kimberly Breuer is Co-Founder and Managing Director of Likeminded. As a psychologist and former consultant, she founded Likeminded to provide easy access to psychological support to as many people as possible and thereby transforming the status quo around mental health at work. Likeminded enables employers and employees to take responsibility for their mental well-being and create a sustainable company culture.

How to create meaningful relationships in remote teams

Working in a hybrid or fully remote setup comes with many positive opportunities, but can also be challenging, especially when transitioning into a new work environment. 

That is why the mental health startup Likeminded is dedicated to providing mental health and wellbeing support to people in remote and hybrid setups, and provide support for leaders and their employees.

Our host Sandra is talking to Likeminded Co-CEO Kimberley Breuer to hear about their mission statement, what well-being looks like in a remote or hybrid workspace, and what skills the workforce of tomorrow will need to thrive in our new world of work. 


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